Live Blog: A Celebrity Appearance

12:17 a.m.: Darth Vader, a.k.a. Dick Cheney, arrived via hologram to slay Jessica Yellin/Princess Leia.
OK, that part's not true. But I wish it was.
12:16 a.m.: I swear this is true: CNN just "teleported" a hologram of a reporter onto the floor to talk with Wolf Blitzer. It's like Princess Leia just arrived to ask CNN to save the American Empire --- apparently, she is Jessica Yellin, who is actually in Chicago for Obama's rally but joins us "via hologram".
Wow --- Jessica just said she feels like "Princess Leia", so she at least she's cognisant that this is tele-visual idiocy.
12:08 a.m.: The CNN blather is boring me, so I check out county-by-country in Kentucky, where some of my relatives live. Harlan County --- coal-mining country --- goes for McCain 75-23.
Someone asks, "What would it take for Harlan to go Democratic?" The response: "If the Lord Baby Jesus came down from Heaven and ran for the Democrats, he might close the gap to 60-40."
12:05 a.m.: CNN calls Democrat Mark Warner as the winner in the Senate rate in Virginia, taking the seat from the Republicans. A Virginian at the party says to look out for Warner for a Presidential run in 2016.
12:04 a.m.: Fox has also called Vermont and Kentucky.
12:01 a.m.: But Indiana is still not called. Our professor from New Zealand, still waiting for the pub to open notes: "See what [U.S.] National Public Radio had to say about why thought they thought Vigo was such a good indicator. Indiana State is no Indiana University after all."
12:00 midnight: CNN, making up for its earlier sluggish performance, moves quickly to call Vermont (3 electoral votes) for Obama. And it goes ahead and tips Kentucky for McCain.
Canuckistan is pleased to be using his magic markers on the map.
11:57 p.m.: And, with 9% counted in Kentucky, McCain is only up 51-48. I expected a bigger gap.
Obama clinging to 50-49 lead in Indiana.
11:57 p.m.: I know it's with less than 10 percent counted, but Senator Mitch McConnell --- the Republican leader in the Senate --- is behind in Kentucky. C'mon, we want a "reverse Daschle" (or, for British readers, a throwback to Portillo '97).
11:54 p.m.: I am pleased to announce that the Canuckistan Election Night Party now has its celebrity. Emma North, our favourite reporter for BBC Midlands Today, has arrived.
OK, that part's not true. But I wish it was.
12:16 a.m.: I swear this is true: CNN just "teleported" a hologram of a reporter onto the floor to talk with Wolf Blitzer. It's like Princess Leia just arrived to ask CNN to save the American Empire --- apparently, she is Jessica Yellin, who is actually in Chicago for Obama's rally but joins us "via hologram".
Wow --- Jessica just said she feels like "Princess Leia", so she at least she's cognisant that this is tele-visual idiocy.
12:08 a.m.: The CNN blather is boring me, so I check out county-by-country in Kentucky, where some of my relatives live. Harlan County --- coal-mining country --- goes for McCain 75-23.
Someone asks, "What would it take for Harlan to go Democratic?" The response: "If the Lord Baby Jesus came down from Heaven and ran for the Democrats, he might close the gap to 60-40."
12:05 a.m.: CNN calls Democrat Mark Warner as the winner in the Senate rate in Virginia, taking the seat from the Republicans. A Virginian at the party says to look out for Warner for a Presidential run in 2016.
12:04 a.m.: Fox has also called Vermont and Kentucky.
12:01 a.m.: But Indiana is still not called. Our professor from New Zealand, still waiting for the pub to open notes: "See what [U.S.] National Public Radio had to say about why thought they thought Vigo was such a good indicator. Indiana State is no Indiana University after all."
12:00 midnight: CNN, making up for its earlier sluggish performance, moves quickly to call Vermont (3 electoral votes) for Obama. And it goes ahead and tips Kentucky for McCain.
Canuckistan is pleased to be using his magic markers on the map.
11:57 p.m.: And, with 9% counted in Kentucky, McCain is only up 51-48. I expected a bigger gap.
Obama clinging to 50-49 lead in Indiana.
11:57 p.m.: I know it's with less than 10 percent counted, but Senator Mitch McConnell --- the Republican leader in the Senate --- is behind in Kentucky. C'mon, we want a "reverse Daschle" (or, for British readers, a throwback to Portillo '97).
11:54 p.m.: I am pleased to announce that the Canuckistan Election Night Party now has its celebrity. Emma North, our favourite reporter for BBC Midlands Today, has arrived.
US Politics

Reader Comments (4)
00:03 BBC calls the two states as well
Democracy Now! is behaving badly, so it loses its spot on the mosaic to Google Maps live results:
It's easy to dislike the Hitch, but he was pretty funny on the Beeb. I don't like agreeing with him, but I was glad he was on :)
Ahh, the Hitch. My arch-enemy arrives....